Kiddush and Hospitals: Hilchos Kiddush When Not at the Table

In the Parshiyos that deal with Shabbos, the Torah commands us to both “watch” (שמור) and “remember” (זכור). Chazal tell us that the word שמור refers to the prohibitions of Shabbos, whereas the word זכור tells us to sanctify Shabbos with our actions. The mitzvah of זכור is the source of the obligation to make kiddush at least once over Shabbos (Rambam, Shabbos 29,1).

There are many Halachos about Kiddush that are more applicable and pertinent in hospitals, where physicians and patients may have limited resources and unpredictable schedules. Below, I will outline some of the complications and solutions of scenarios discussed in Nishmas Avraham (O.C. 271-272 p 217-220).

  1. What to make kiddush on:

    Ideally, one should make kiddush on wine (or grape juice). Grape products are subject to the halachos of stam yaynum, and one must take the necessary precautions. If one does not have access to wine, it is preferable to make kiddush on two complete loaves of bread. If loaves are unavailable, one may make kiddush on a kizayis of bread or cake when necessary. Finally, if one has no baked goods, one may make kiddush on a commonly available and popular drink such as beer.

  2. Type of cup:

    While many people at home have a designated kiddush cup, this is often not available in a hospital. Preferably (and according to some necessary) the wine should be in a non-disposable cup during kiddush. However, R’ Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Shmiras Shabbos Kihilchosa chapter 47, 11 note 51) rules that a presentable disposable cup that would be used at upscale events is suitable for kiddush.

  3. Location of kiddush:

    The Mechaber writes that one must recite kiddush in the place of the meal (O.C. 273,1). To satisfy this halacha, one does not have to be in the same spot that one plans to eat but within the same halachic dwelling. Accordingly, although one may not say kiddush in one apartment if planning to eat in a different apartment in that building, one may make kiddush anywhere in the hospital if one intends to eat the meal inside the hospital.

  4. No time to make Kiddush Friday night:

    Although we make kiddush twice (some recite three times) over Shabbos, miDioraysa, one kiddush suffices. If someone is too busy in the hospital to break even momentarily for kiddush, they are permitted to snack (and even eat a meal) if doing so will enable them to better care for their patients. Ideally, one should have davened maariv, and having recited the special Shabbos shemoneh esrei, one will have satisfied the biblical obligation of kiddush. Nishmas Avraham rules that even if one has not davened yet, one may eat before kiddush in such circumstances. Finally, someone who did not recite kiddush Friday night should recite the usual Friday night kiddush Shabbos morning without the paragraph of Vayechulu before Hagofen (Nishmat Avraham O.C. 271;15 2,4). 


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