Guiding the Light
The following guidelines are adopted from Rabbi Sprung regarding how patients needing assistance can fulfill the mitzvah of lighting Chanukah candles.
Assisted Lighting with Bracha
One who cannot light the Neiros without assistance may recite the Bracha if they perform the lighting themselves, even with guidance from another person holding their hand.
However, if the assistant moves the person's hand to light the candle, the act is not considered performed by the person and is akin to lighting through a Shli’ach (proxy).
If a person can light but cannot reach the Menora in its proper place (e.g., because they are bedridden), they should appoint a Shli’ach. They should not light near their bed and have the Menora moved afterward.
Lighting through Family
A wife may light the Neiros for her husband in their home, fulfilling his obligation. (Mishna Berura 677:2)
If the person has no spouse, family members such as a son dependent living at home may light on their behalf. (Sefer “Chovas haDar” Ner Chanuka 1, footnote 2)
According to the Shulchan Aruch (671:2), one candle suffices for all family members.
However, for those who follow the Rema (common among Ashkenazim), the Mitzva of Mehadrin is fulfilled by lighting a candle for each person. A family member lighting for the head of the household should use the head’s funds and may light an additional candle for themselves, reciting one Bracha for both lightings. (ibid)
Blind, Death or Mute Individual’s Obligation
A blind man’s wife may light on his behalf. (Mishna Berura 675:9)
He should light with assistance if no family members are available but omit the Bracha. Some Poskim maintain he should recite the Bracha, while others suggest he recite only the Brachos of “She’asa Nisim” and “Shehecheyanu”. He may recite the full Bracha if he can slightly perceive the flame. (Maharshal Shu”t 77, R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l Mo’adei Yeshurun 1:4, Yalkut Yosef Chanuka 390)
A Deaf or Mute Individual is obligated to light the Neiros. (M.B. 670:12)
General Rules for Appointing a Shli’ach (Proxy)
A person unable to light should appoint a Shli’ach (man or woman) to light and recite the Bracha on their behalf. (M.B. 675:9)
The Shli’ach may act even if they have already fulfilled the Mitzva in their home.
If the person can recite the Bracha, they should do so after the Shli’ach lights. Opinions differ on whether the Bracha “l’Hadlik Ner Shel Chanuka” should be recited by the person or the Shli’ach.
If a person can light but cannot recite the Bracha, the Shli’ach should recite the Brachos, and the person should light immediately after.
A non-Jewish caregiver or employee cannot act as a Shli’ach to light the Neiros for a Jew. (Me’orei Eish 5:2:5)
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