Essential Reads in Jewish Medical Ethics: A Buyer’s Guide

JPN’s 15 Top Recommended Reads on Jewish Medical Ethics and Halacha

Exploring Jewish medical ethics and Halacha is not merely an academic or practical endeavor; it is a way to join the 3000+-year-old unbroken chain of conversations that we have had as people, offering insight and shaping the way we ethically approach issues ranging from end-of-life decisions to the application of modern medical technology.

Here, we have curated a list of 15 indispensable books that serve as a bridge between the realms of medicine and Jewish law. We recommend these reads at the Jewish Physicians Network to assist you in embarking on a journey toward a nuanced understanding of the convergence between Judaism and healthcare.

Nishmat Avraham by Dr. Abraham S. Abraham

Dr. Abraham S. Abraham, a distinguished physician and a leading expert on Halacha's interplay with modern medicine, provides a crucial handbook for anyone faced with life-saving decisions rooted in Jewish law. His monumental work, "Nishmat Avraham," has significantly influenced the confluence of Medicine and Halacha, acting as a go-to guide for numerous physicians and families. This book is a must-have for every rabbi, physician, and library. Buy here

Harefuah Kehalacha by Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg

This encyclopedic work by Rabbi Avraham Steinberg stands as a comprehensive and updated reservoir of Jewish medical ethics, offering a thorough exploration into the array of ethical concerns intertwined with healthcare and Jewish law. Buy here

Shuriei Torah Lerofim by Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein

Authored by a prominent Orthodox rabbi and medical ethics expert, this six-volume set encapsulates a series of lectures adapted for healthcare professionals in Israel, shedding light on the myriad topics where healthcare intersects with Jewish law. Buy here

Sacred Training by compiled by Dr. Jerry Karp and Dr. Mathew Shaikevetz 

A valuable resource for observant Jewish medical trainees, "Sacred Training" delves into the complex interface of Halacha and medical training. The essays guide readers through applying fundamental halakhic principles to common resident-centric medical dilemmas. Buy here

Jewish Guide to Practical Medical Decision-Making by Rabbi Jason Weiner

Bridging the gap between rapid medical advancements and Jewish medical ethics, Rabbi Weiner provides clear and concise guidance on a broad range of medical circumstances, making it an accessible, user-friendly resource for navigating contemporary medical dilemmas. Buy here

The Anatomy of Jewish Law by Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman

In this innovative work, Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman delves into the medical understanding of anatomy, physiology, and therapeutics across time and rabbinic literature. It serves as a foundation for contemporary Jewish bioethics and demonstrates the enduring relationship between Judaism and medicine through centuries. Buy here

Brain Death in Halacha and the Tower of Babel Syndrome: Definition, Diagnosis or Prognosis?

This analytical work scrutinizes the Halachic discourse surrounding brain death, urging the Halachic community to revisit the subject from a scientifically informed standpoint. It highlights the critical influence of changes in medical standards over the years on Halachic rulings. Buy here

Dangerous Disease and Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics: Principles and Practice by Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Akiva Tatz presents a detailed approach to dangerous disease and therapy in Jewish Law. The book explores a plethora of topics related to risk, terminal illness, withholding therapy, and more, followed by analyzed clinical cases demonstrating the principles in clinical application. Buy here

Defining the Moment: Understanding Brain Death in Halakhah by Rabbi Dr. David Shabtai

This book provides a detailed examination of Halakhic approaches to understanding brain death. It lays down the scientific and medical background of brain death diagnosis and physiology, then analyzes the halakhic positions, creating a rich dialogue among various opinions. Buy here

Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics by Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg

This classic work by Dr. Avraham Steinberg offers a comprehensive exploration of medical Halacha from A to Z, serving as a thorough resource for anyone interested in Jewish medical ethics. Buy here

Medical Halacha on the Parsha by Rabbi Yosef Sprung

Rabbi Yosef Sprung explores contemporary medical halachic topics through essays connected to the weekly Parshah, covering a range of issues from medical emergencies on Shabbos to end-of-life concerns. Buy here

Healing in Halachah by Rabbi Michah Cohn

This book covers a spectrum of topics related to medical Halacha, ranging from Shabbos, endangering oneself to help others, to end-of-life issues and mental health, providing a comprehensive overview and appreciation of these complex issues from a Halachic perspective. Buy here

Jewish Medical Ethics by Lord Rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits

Delve into a profound understanding of Jewish medical ethics with this seminal work by Immanuel Jakobovits. Buy here


Although not strictly medical, "Headlines" delves into Halachic debates on current events, providing insights into how ancient texts continue to guide us in navigating the complex life of the 21st century. Buy here

Engage with these enriching reads and deepen your understanding of the profound dialogue between medical science and Jewish tradition. The journey through these pages will equip you with a robust framework to traverse the intertwined paths of Jewish medical ethics, Halacha, and the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare.


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Going the Distance: A Clinician’s Guide to Commuting and Shabbos